
Three tips for better sleep

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve been told, I took sleeping very seriously. I always hear stories my parents tell about how easy of a baby I was because I was always sleeping. Haha! Anyway, that is beside the point. As I grew older I really did not struggle much until recently. As I’m approaching my thirties, I find myself struggling from time to time and noticed how this was impacting my day to day life. I thought maybe this could be normal because of how life happens sometimes and all the things it brings with it like anxieties and stress. I was wrong! It is indeed not normal. I was determined to change that. I set some goals and new routines that truly helped me and I think they could help you!

My three tips for better sleep

Wake up early and get some sunlight. Yes, you read that right, a good night sleep routine starts early in the day. Going on a thirty minute walk or simply spending time stretching or meditating outside early in the morning will not only allow your body to absorb the sun’s energy for a productive day, but will also help your body produce melatonin naturally in the evening. Melatonin is a hormone your brain produces in response of darkness to help with sleep. The sun light is an incredible tool for productivity and better sleep, so make sure you are getting yours!

Personally, taking magnesium in powder or pill form along with staying consistent has helped us dramatically. Most of us lack magnesium which causes a variety of uncomfortable symptoms like anxiety, stress, insomnia, fatigue, aches and pains and much more. Building a good habit of taking magnesium every day or night can significantly help you stay calm, relax your nervous system and therefore have a better night sleep. This is my absolute favorite part of my night routine and my husband has also began to love it because he feels the difference! Always do consult your doctor if you want to start taking any kind of supplement.

We love, love, love our red lights. Once the sun sets it is time to dim all devices, set them to night shift and turn on red lights in you home. Once the sun is down, our bodies start the process of unwinding and it communicates to our brain that it is almost time to rest and go to sleep. This is why is very important to be mindful of the type of light you receive hours before heading to bed. Using red lights at dawn has many benefits and, trust me, it will make a huge difference!

I hope these tips help!


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